Young Countries?

Change happens, sometimes suddenly

William Essex
Feb 10, 2024
US election poster reading ‘Any Functioning Adult 2020’
What else is new? Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash

Everything’s reported as though today goes on forever.

But if those two very old men continue to age at the standard rate, and if Nikki Haley stays in the race, by November we could have two relatively young women running for the US presidency.

If the rest of US politics continues to age at the standard rate — well, there could soon be a whole host of new faces in those Houses they’re always talking about.

In this country, the King, aged 75, has been diagnosed with cancer.

How old is the Russian leader?

And that Chinese man with the very black hair?

How would the world change, if suddenly it was being run by young people?

Perhaps I should revise my forecasts for 2024.



William Essex
William Essex

Written by William Essex

Former everything. I still write books, I still write stories. Author of The Book of Fake Futures, The Journey from Heaven, Escape Mutation.

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