Read This Title
And this intro, and this story
Today, the sun is shining. This corner of the world is at peace with itself. I’ve just drunk a mug of coffee and eaten a bowl of muesli and opened the front door to take a photograph that I may or may not use to illustrate this story.
If it is a story. It’s Saturday morning, and I can hear birds singing and some kind of distant engine-noise from the docks, and the challenge of the moment is to open up my mind and write.
It’s all sound this morning. The church bell has just sounded 8am, and now there’s a distant siren-noise from the docks: some large vehicle has gone into reverse. I’m sitting here writing this story and the world is starting to work.
I read another story yesterday about how to be incredibly successful: the trick is, apparently, to write a story that everybody wants to read, give it a title that catches everybody’s attention, and include personal experience.
My feet are cold. It’s sunny out, but still quite chilly, and I’m still in my pyjamas with the front door open. Will that do?