Beached Party


William Essex
1 min readJun 10, 2024


Standing on a flat sandy beach looking out to sea. Nothing in the picture but the sea, the horizon, the sky.
Just a picture of a beach. A peaceful beach. Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

My Father was at D-Day. Although he wasn’t (to quote one of his obituaries) “unleashed on the Germans” until the second day, he spent D-Day itself at a code-named point in mid-Channel doing his bit to deliver the invasion to the Normandy beaches.

I remember once coming into the playroom of the house where I grew up, to find him standing to attention in front of the television with tears streaming down his face. That was my introduction to the two-minute silence on Remembrance Day.

It’s not just me, though. We all have our memories. And commemoration isn’t just for old people.

Rishi Sunak’s decision to leave the D-Day commemorations early, to defend some footling claim about money in a TV interview, didn’t just decide the election. It showed that he doesn’t understand his own job. Some events, the prime minister doesn’t leave early.

I don’t want to write about politics. I don’t like writing about politics. But sometimes, something happens that just cuts through all of it.

That was the election. Can we move on?



William Essex

Former everything. I still write books, I still write stories. Author of The Book of Fake Futures, The Journey from Heaven, Escape Mutation.